Sunday, 5 July 2009

End user license agreement

By reading this passage you have agreed to:
01. Add this blog to your bookmarks,
02. Read every entry to the present blog,
03. Not leave a comment to this entry stating that this E.U.L.A. joke is "old", "so yesterday", "not original" or any other type of text with the same, or resembling meaning,
05. Checking if there was a 4th statement,
04. Checking again.

With all this being said and agreed to by both parties I welcome you to my new blog:

This being my first post, I'm probably expected to describe my intentions on what i will be writing about, so you can decide weather or not you wish to follow my blog.
To be honest, I have yet to find out, what you people find interesting, so i won't guarantee 100% addiction starting with the first couple of posts. I will however appreciate any and all feedback from you guys, no offense taken if it's not positive... In case I do get a "f@ck you" or resembling comment, I am going to leave it there, so as to identify the character of its sender.

Thank you for your time, my upcoming post will be appearing shortly, and will probably have something to do, with blue elephants.

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